537 entries in lexical database. Click here for all forms in the database.
- Altay is used to refer to two main groups of languages, northern and southern. Altay proper (southern) is closer to Kyrgyz, while the northern varieties appear to be closer to Lower Chulym,
the Kondoma dialect of Shor, and some Siberian Tatar varieties. A full breakdown of dialects with their map references is given below:
- Southern
- Altay proper (1)
- Mayma kizhi (a distinctive dialect of Altay)
- Telengit, with two main dialects:
- Telengit Tölös (4)
- Chuy Kizhi (3)
- Teleut (2)
- Tuba Kizhi (5), transitional to the northern group
- Northern
- Kumandy Kizhi (6)
- Kuu Kizhi (7)
- The term Altay here refers to the standard literary dialect that is the official language of the Altai Republic. Other varieties are treated separately.
Writing System with Transcription
Аа (a) | Бб (b) | Вв (v) | Гг (g) | Дд (d) | Јј (dʼ) | Ее (e, ye) | Ёё (yo) |
Жж (ž) | Зз (z) | Ии (i) | Іі (i) | Йй (y) | Кк (k) | Лл (l) | Мм (m) |
Нн (n) | Ҥҥ (ŋ) | Оо (o) | Ӧӧ (ö) | Пп (p) | Рр (r) | Сс (s) | Тт (t) |
Уу (u) | Ӱӱ (ü) | Фф (f) | Хх (x) | Цц (ts) | Чч (č) | Шш (š) | Щщ (šč) |
Ъъ | Ыы (ï) | Ьь | Ээ (e) | Юю (yu) | Яя (ya) | Several letters, including those without transcriptions noted, are found only in Russian loanwords. |
Русско-алтайский словарь/Орус-алтай сӧзлик. 2015. Горно-Алтайск: Научно-исследовательский институт алтаистики им. С.С. Суразакова.
Баскаков, Н. А. 1958. Алтайский язык. Москва: Изд-во «Наука».