534 entries in lexical database. Click here for all forms in the database.
- Khakas is divided into four main dialects, many of which have prominent sub-dialects:
- Sagay
- Sagay
- Beltir
- Koibal
- Xaas (a.k.a. Xaač, Kacha, Kachin)
- Xyzyl
- Shor
- Sagay
- The literary dialect is based on the Sagay and Xaas dialects.
- The Shor dialect is transitional to Mrass Shor, and shares many features with it.
- Living Tongues considers Xyzyl to be a separate language. They report that it is severely endangered.
Writing System with Transcription
Аа (a) | Бб (b) | Вв (v) | Гг (g) | Ғғ (ɣ) | Дд (d) | Ее (e, ye) | Ёё (yo) |
Жж (ž) | Зз (z) | Ии (i) | Йй (y) | Іі (ĭ)* | Кк (k) | Лл (l) | Мм (m) |
Нн (n) | Ңң (ŋ) | Оо (o) | Ӧӧ (ö) | Пп (p) | Рр (r) | Сс (s) | Тт (t) |
Уу (u) | Ӱӱ (ü) | Фф (f) | Хх (x) | Цц (ts) | Чч (č) | Ӌӌ† (ǰ) | Шш (š) |
Щщ (šč) | Ъъ | Ыы (ï) | Ьь | Ээ (e) | Юю (yu) | Яя (ya) | |
Several letters, including those without transcriptions noted, are found only in Russian loanwords. | |||||||
*The precise phonetic value of this symbol is unclear. It has been described as a fronted "ы" or as a short "и". It appears to be a reduced vowel that only occurs in roots. | |||||||
†Not to be confused with Ҷҷ. The form with the left-facing descender is unique to Khakas. |
Хакасский словарь онлайн. 2016.
Anderson, Gregory D. S. 1998. Xakas. München: Lincom Europa.
Anderson, Gregory D.S. 2000. “Language contact in south-central Siberia.” PhD Diss., University of Chicago.
Marti, Marc. n.d. Khakas-English Dictionary.
Waibel, Zinaida and Andreas Waibel. 2006. “Der Schor-Dialekt des Chakassischen: Chakassisch oder Schorisch?” In Marcel Erdal & Marina Nevskaya (eds.), Exploring the eastern frontiers of Turkic, 251–263.
Бутанаев В.Я. 2011. Русско-Хакасский словарь (около 15 тыс. слов) = Орыс-Хоорай сӧстігі (15 муң сӧске чағын). Астана: Полиграфия.
Кызласов, А.С., et al. (eds). Орыс-Хакас Сӧстік.
Субракова, О.В. ed. 2006. Хакасско-русский словарь / Хакас-орыс сӧстік. Новосибирск: Наука.
Чанков, Д.И., ed. 1961. Русско-хакасский словарь. Москва: Государственное Издательство Иностранных и Национальных Словарей.