Search Results

36 entries found.

Language Citation Form Standardized Form
Altay кӱӱни кел-, кӱӱнзе- küüni kel-, küünze-
Azerbaijani istə- istä-
Bashkir телә- telä-
Chuvash кӑмӑл ту- kămăl tu-
Crimean Karaim иста-, истэ-, киле-, ӧзле- ista-, iste-, kile-, özle-
Crimean Tatar iste- iste-
Dolgan bagar- bagar-
Gagauz iste- iste-
Georgian Urum istä- istä-
Halych Karaim клэ- kle-
Iraqi Turcoman iste- iste-
Karachay-Balkar сюй-, изле- süy-, izle-
Karakalpak тиле-, кәле- tile-, käle-
Kazakh қала-, тіле- qala-, tile-
Khakas хын- xïn-
Khalaj šä-, hišä- šä-, hišä-
Khorasani Turkic - NW Dialect istä- istä-
Kumandy-Kizhi кӱӱнгер- küünger-
Kumyk сюй- süy-
Kyrgyz каала-, тиле-, эңсе- kaala-, tile-, eŋse-
Mrass Shor сана-, қын- sana-, qïn-
Nogay тиле- tile-
Oghuz Uzbek istä- istä-
Sakha баҕар- baɣar-
Siberian Tatar телә- telä-
Sonqori issä- issä-
Tatar телә- telä-
Tòfa турула- turula-
Trakai Karaim klia- klʼa-
Turkish iste- iste-
Turkmen isle- iθle-
Tuvan күзэ- küze-
Urum (Azovian) истэ-, стэ-, здэ- iste-, ste-, ede-
Uyghur خالىماق xala-
Uzbek ista-, tila-, xohla- istä-, tilä-, xåhla-
Western Yugur saqïn- saqïn-

to want

хотеть wollen vouloir

A number of languages have desiderative constructions that are used in place of stand-alone verbs. These are often formed using a suffix + the verb kel- "to come", e.g. Bashkir -GE kil-

Click on the language name for further information about the language, transcription scheme, and sources consulted.

List of English glosses