New job, future unknown!

I’ll be starting up at a new institution soon, so I will likely have significantly fewer resources available. I’m pleased with amount of data I have made available, and will likely be adding more as I have the time, but at a much slower pace.

News item no.1: Tehlikedeki Dil Dergisi, a journal that was an excellent source for several varieties, seems to have disappeared. It’s now become the website Son Sesler. With any luck the journal will be re-uploaded and added to.

New item no.2: I am working on adding search suggestions to the search box. Sometimes it works, sometimes it crashes the entire site. Once I’ve made this work, it will likely be the last update for some time.
Edit: It works! I’m still shaky on PHP, and I think I was trying to re-use an array without resetting it or something…